Will Someone Actually Pay You Cash For Your Old Junk Car?

Posted on: 13 August 2020

You may have heard of those companies that are willing to pay cash for junk cars. But is this really a true scenario? It sure is! There are many companies out there that are willing to pay you for that old vehicle in your yard that won't even start, let alone drive. Here's what you should know about finding a junk vehicle buyer for cash:

Why Do Companies Buy Junk Cars?

You might be wondering why a company would want to buy the old car you know can't ever be driven again. The truth is that there is a lot of valuable material inside a vehicle, even one that's been broken down for years. For example, your old car's catalytic converter harbors valuable metals including palladium, which is one of the most precious metals on the market and has been doing as well if not better than gold in the last few months.

The metal from the exhaust system and many other parts can also be salvaged by the junk car companies and sold for profit. Some parts in your car might even still work, in which they can be refurbished and resold to others who need parts to repair their own cars. So, there are plenty of reasons for a company to want to buy your old junk car.

How Much Do Companies Pay for Junk Cars?

There is no set price you can expect to be paid for your old junk car. Most people are paid anywhere from a couple hundred dollars when all is said and done. It depends on the company, the car, and how well metals are selling on the market at the time of sale. You won't get rich when selling your junk car, but you will make some extra pocket money without having to figure out how to get rid of the eyesore.

What's the Sales Process Like?

Selling your junk car should be easy. After contacting the company you'll be working with to let them know you have a car for them, they may make you an offer over the phone or schedule an appointment to pick the vehicle up and make you an offer then.

If you don't like the offer, you don't have to sell the car. But if you do accept the offer, your service provider will transport the vehicle to their facility and cut you a check for the funds that they owe you. You'll have to sign the title over to the company, but then you can cash your check and forget about the car once and for all.
