Why Should You Find And Visit An Import Car Repair Service?

Posted on: 16 January 2015

There are many people who disregard domestic cars to buy foreign ones each year. This is a trend that started a few decades ago and that has gained in magnitude since. Import vehicles come with a number of perks and disadvantages that must be carefully weighed before deciding on whether or not to buy one. If you own a foreign car, then it's important that you find and visit a certified auto repair that can keep it in great condition. [Read More]

How Do Dealers Get A Used Car Ready For Market?

Posted on: 12 January 2015

It can be hard to imagine buying a used car when you go out to your driveway and peek in your own car windows. Most people accumulate some amount of dirt, debris and detritus in their vehicle from time to time, and it can be really hard to get that stuff out. How do car dealers get the smells of dogs, kids, cigarettes, and spilled soda out of a car? How do they wipe the slate clean for the next owner? [Read More]